Academic Performance Series Info Center

Learn about different resources available while you work

  • Screen Tips

    Place the cursor over any label in the AIDE Program to view description of the field.


    Screen Tip Tutorial


  • Context Help

    Click on any label in the AIDE Program that is blue and underlined to get context based help.


  • Academic Performance Series Info Center

    The Academic Performance Series Info Center provides a complete help system for the Map and AIDE Programs.  The system includes a complete index and glossary for easy access and understanding of the AIDE System.  The Academic Performance Series Info Center offers a complete tutorial section featuring animated tutorials.  

    The AIDE Help Center provides a complete help system for the AIDE Program.  The system includes a complete index and glossary for easy access and understanding of the AIDE System.  The AIDE Help Center offers a complete tutorial section featuring animated tutorials.  First time users should take advantage of the AIDE Lesson Plan, which provides a plan sequence of instruction on the use of AIDE.

    The AIDE Help Center provides a complete help system for the AIDE Program.  The system includes a complete index and glossary for easy access and understanding of the AIDE System.  The AIDE Help Center offers a complete tutorial section featuring animated tutorials.  First time users should take advantage of the AIDE Lesson Plan, which provides a plan sequence of instruction on the use of AIDE.


  • Academic Performance Series Lesson Plan

    A list of tutorials designed to give an understanding of the Academic Performance Series with emphasis on MAP and AIDE.


    Academic Performance Series Lesson Plan


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