







Main Idea








T B1 B2 B3 B4

T B1 B2 B3 B4

T B1 B2 B3 B4

T B1 B2 B3 B4

Grade student took the FCAT

SSR Level of the student

T = Actual Content score converted to a percentage

B1 = First Bench Mark Score

B2 = Second Bench Mark Score

B3 = Third Bench Mark Score

B4 = Fourth Bench Mark Score

The color code in the Bench Mark Section is designed to show growth or decline.  T is the actual score the student attained on the last FCAT in the annotated content area.  The color will always be black on white.  B1 is the first Bench Mark Score and its color is dependent on T.  If Bench Mark 1 is greater then T the color will be black on green.  It the score is equal or less then T the color will be white on red.  Bench Mark 2 color is dependent on Bench Mark 1 following the same criteria.  If Bench Mark 2 is greater then Bench Mark 1 the color is black on green.  If the score is equal or less the color will be red on white.  Bench Mark 3 is dependent on Bench Mark 2 in the same manner.


A user will be able to see growth and or decline at the student level or selected groups of students.